What Were The Reasons For The Failure Of Early Online Marketing Companies?

The mid 1980s marked the rise of online marketing as a means to reach global market segments. The advent of internet technology enabled marketers to move away from heavy offline campaigns like signages, billboards, television and newspaper ads to the digital platform. However, not all the early birds were able to sustain the demands of the end-users and they succumbed in a very few years from incorporation, due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • Failure To Understand The Target Market

The relationship between the early online marketers and clients was a very closed one, without much scope for interaction. The client supplied the budget and okayed the timeline - the marketing campaigns were unleashed. There was complete failure to understand the requirements of the target market. The focus was lop-sided and attempts to market the merchandize were greater than that of solving customer pain-points. Modern digital marketing companies have come a long way from them, and today, multiple user personas are created for understanding the demographics of the customer.

  • Narrow Focus On Self-Promotion And Neglect Of Community Building

The early day marketing maxim was truly simple - making profits. Profits are a must even today, but there is a stress on co-existence and a need for upholding social values. The content used in traditional marketing campaigns was solely promotional. It was one-sided as well, with the companies trying to attract customers towards the brands.  There was no interaction between customers who were spread across different geographies. Social media was restricted to personal use and online marketers never tried to encourage interaction with customers on public forums. But today, the norms of social media marketing have changed and businesses are intent on transacting with clients in a human-enabled manner.

  • Ignorance Of CSR And Online Reputation Management

Corporate Social Responsibility was only viewed as a matter of compliance and statutory requirement. But today CRM (Cause Related Marketing), is used as an effective marketing technique by modern web marketers. Addressing various social and economic issues has now become an integral part of online reputation management. Major brands are coming forward with contributions, both monetary and non-monetary, in support of causes like education, women empowerment, wildlife conservation, pollution prevention and so on. The early online marketers failed to use these initiatives in an effective manner for growing brand affinity.

  • Underestimating The Power Of Customer

The dominance of customer was not felt in the early days of the dotcom bubble. The business world was dominated by producers, salesmen, advertisers and middlemen. Customers opinion was grossly neglected. This resulted in dissatisfaction among customers. Customer churn was at its worst and online marketers could do nothing to prevent brand switching. Customers were being sold suboptimal products and customer service was poor. The customer-is-king era soon dawned, forcing many early businesses to exit.
The pillars of inbound marketing are customer empowerment. Learning from their early failures, the online marketing agencies of today have rearranged their priorities. They help not in selling products and services, but in telling customers where to find good value for money. They encourage making informed decisions so that customer satisfaction increases. To educate customers and to provide them with value-added services creates a sense of responsibility and ethics in internet marketers.

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